Monday, 25 February 2013

Weekend Bits

What a lovely weekend it was.

Friday night we went to dinner with some friends and afterwards we all went bowling.

the most flourescent shoes in the entire building

The best part? I beat Nick both games! Trust me, this is a big deal. A) I'm a terrible bowler and B) I'm super competitive, so it was a good feeling. That also means that Nick has to make two dinners for me. We made a bet (girls vs. guys) that the losers had to make a special dinner. When we got to the last game, the guys decided to make it double or nothing. Good call. Winner!

Saturday I got my hair cut. This may seem like a mundane activity for some, but it's such a good experience when you have the hairstylist that I do. It's like three hours of hanging out with a great friend, and getting pretty at the same time.

I chopped a lot off. I was sick of the bangs, so I needed something different. Trust me, I do this all the time.

Sunday morning was beautifully quiet. In preparation for the Academy Awards Oscars, I went to a movie with my girlfriends in the afternoon. I can say with 100% certainty that Save Haven will never be nominated for an Oscar. People - stop trying to make Nicholas Sparks movies. More specifically, stop trying to make the next 'The Notebook'. It will never be beaten.

Even though my parents are on vacation, we fulfilled our duty and had a family dinner with my brother and his gf. They stayed to watch The Oscars with us. I thought it was pretty well done. I really loved the song that William Shatner told Seth McFarlane not to sing (the We Saw Your Boobs song). Yes, I am just that mature. My picks for best dressed?

Jessica Chastain in Armani Prive
love the monocromatic look via

Zoe Saldana in Alexis Maybille
in theory, all these parts would be too much, but here it's just right via
With honourable mention to Kerry Washington and Halle Berry.
Who was your favourite?
Were you surprised at any of the winners?
Let me know in the comments below!

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