Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Return to Normalcy

As much as I'm obsessed with Christmas, I have to say, I was glad to take down our tree, reclaim the space in our living room, and get back to normal. January 2nd marks the return to 'normal' (at least in my books).

NYE - told ya I would be wearing my holiday uniform

I was starting to lose track of what day it was, and I find that the more free time I have, the less I seem to accomplish. I was getting reeaaally lazy there for a little while.

So as much as waking up early and going to work isn't the most exciting, I'm welcoming it back with open arms.

xx E.

Ps. One thing about the holidays is that everyone wants to get together with family and friends - why not try getting together with those people you care about now? Make a New Year's date instead (I know I'm looking forward to some!)

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