Thursday, 24 January 2013

Some Practicalities

A thought for your Thursday via

Some of you have probably noticed that I've created a Facebook page for This is Lovely. I think it makes more sense to put postings there, rather than on my personal Facebook page. That way, those of my fb friends who do not wish to see my daily posts don't have to (although, I'm not sure what kind of 'friends' they are if they aren't reading this blog...kidding! kinda.)

Anyway, if you are the kind of person who relies on my facebook to let you know when there's a new post, please 'like' This is Lovely's facebook page, so you can stay in the loop. If you're one of those people who doesn't even need fb because you've bookmarked my blog - I love you. More people should aspire to be like you :)

All sarcasm aside, thanks for reading along and if you like getting fb updates from This is Lovely, don't forget to 'like' the page (using the cute little yellow button with the 'f' on it or the link below!).

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