Wednesday 29 May 2013

Wedding Season

Ahh, wedding season is upon us. If you’re like me, you are constantly hearing about new engagements and upcoming weddings. This is where I'm ‘at’ as far as the life cycle goes. With that in mind, with the celebrations can come some stress. So here are some considerations in order to prepare you for the season.

* Pre-wedding events – will you be invited to the shower? Bachelor/bachelorette party? When are these dates?
* Wedding Party – if you’re invited to be an even bigger part of the couple’s big day, make sure you have a clear understanding of their expectations (time commitments, attire, etc)
* Budget – we all know the approximate cost of a wedding gift, but there are other considerations…a hotel stay? Travel to/from the event? Keep these in mind as you plan out your budget.
* Attire – what is the style of the wedding? Will you need to get something new to wear? What about your significant other? Don’t wait until the day of to realize your dress/suit really needs dry cleaning.
* Child/Pet Care – are kids invited to the wedding? If not (no judgment, we had a ‘no kids’ rule at ours), who will be taking care of them? 

For the most part, you will know the date of a wedding well in advance of actually receiving the invitation. That’s your chance to plan ahead. Then you’ll be like me, cool as a cucumber as I prepare to celebrate two wonderful marriages, two weeks in a row, one of which I am a bridesmaid for.

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