Thursday 31 October 2013

C'est L'Halloween

C'est l'Halloween, c'est l'Halloween, hey! I can't help it - that song gets stuck in my head every year.

Anywho, it's Halloween! Usually, I am excited and have a costume planned, but for whatever reason this year it sorta fell through the cracks so I'm basically over it. I think if I were young enough to trick-or-treat, I'd be singing a different tune.

Last night I was reminiscing about all my trick-or-treating memories. Forcing down dinner because I was really too excited to eat. Running from door to door and then decanting my easy-to-carry Halloween bucket (from McDonald's, obviously), into the much larger bag that my dad was carrying for me (thanks dad!), arriving home and dumping out all the candy to count and sort (and see who had the most). Ah, those were the days. I made it sound so glamorous that Nick may even attempt to trick-or-treat tonight (it wasn't very popular in England when Nick was a kid, so he doesn't remember ever doing it).

Then I brought up the part about going through and finding all the home-made stuff. You know, the Rice Krispie Square from the old lady down the street. Or the homemade candy apples. They were always from the most thoughtful people, and yet the automatic reaction was: throw it away immediately. Nick thought I was just being picky, until I explain the whole 'razor blades being hidden in the candy' scenario, at which he was shocked and speechless. Maybe there's no trick-or-treating in England for good reason: no need to check your innocent child's candy for hidden objects that are intended to harm them.

So, if you or your kiddos are out trick-or-treating tonight - enjoy! Watch out for cars and hidden razor blades.

Ps. How accommodating am I? I bought two boxes of candy. One of them is peanut free, so I can offer those allergy-ridden children some candy they can actually eat. Gold star for Emma.

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