Monday 23 April 2012

Garage Sale-ing

So I don't know if I'm way beyond my years on this, but I LOVE garage sale season. I'm pretty sure I am too young to be this happy about them...

There's something so satisfying about being up super early on a Saturday morning, grabbing my favourite coffee, and hitting the road for garage and estate sales.

I went to my first garage sale of the season this past weekend. It was brutally cold, but they pulled through and the sale was a 'go'.

Friends of mine were trying to reduce some of the 'things' in their place. This was a gold mine for garage salers everywhere because they had a ton of great stuff, coin collections, records, and antiques (to name a few). I scored an antique croquet mallet.

just waiting to be hung up
Funny enough, my brother had also been to this garage sale, a little bit earlier than I had. He texted me to let me know he had bought me a present earlier that day. It turns out he found a vintage suitcase, which I collect, and picked it up for me.What a sweet little brother he is!

new addition to...
my vintage luggage collection
I know I speak for husband when I say we have quite a bit way too much 'stuff'. So I'm trying to be really careful at my garage sale purchases. Either way, I'm still going to be visiting more garage sales this season - you just never know what you'll find!

xx E.

ps. In the UK, it's called a Car Boot Sale (the truck of a car is called the boot, they all pull into a parking lot and sell things out of their cars)

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