We already knew it was Brad Smith...former CFL player and son of a Canadian Senator (when announced, we realized none of the 6 girls watching even knew we had Senators in Canada - besides the hockey team)
He seems cute enough, although was over doing it with hugs and was a little too into the dresses. But let's leave poor Brad alone for now.
As with every new season, there are new 'characters' that make us roll our eyes, or cringe when they step out of the limo. But honestly, it seemed like there was only one or two girls on the entire show that didn't make us cringe.
I only want this post to be so long, so I'm going to focus on a select few:
Gabrielle - the villain. She's already been pigeon-holed as the mean girl .Calling other girls skanks (when a quick look in the mirror would have confirmed that she too, was looking pretty skanky)
She's mean and seems high-maintenance and gives girls from my neck of the woods a bad name. The verdict - Don't like her.
Bianka - the girl who dated Chris Humphries (aka Kim Kardashians ex hubby) and actually, she looks a lot like Kimmy K. I think she handled herself with a lot of poise. Showed up in the best dress and shoes by far and is a front runner in my books. Don't let me down Bianka!

Chantelle - the innocent one. She's studying to be a Pastor and it seems like this is the first time she's stepped out of the convent (I know, I know a Pastor isn't Catholic it just seemed like the right thing to say). She was so surprised to learn how many of the women had breast implants and she could not stop giggling about everything. She pretty much had this same expression on her face the entire show.
Last but not least, my personal favourite - Kara. She was fun, down to earth, naturally pretty and so I'm keeping her in my picks for the front runners. Her little baseball glove, game of catch stunt was well done and not at all corny (unlike some of the others...ahem...the cheerleader...)
My overall impression is that Canada has a ton of beautiful, funny, smart, talented women and I was disappointed that they chose such a random group of crazies (a server from a strip club, and a playboy model? did they really need both?) I personally know girls that would have made for great tv and be great potential wives and I would have liked to see a better representation of Canadian women.
xx E.
Ps. Who the heck is the host? And as my friend Ginny pointed out, why did they choose someone so tall? He makes Brad look weirdly short and that's just bad casting.
all photos via Bachelor Canada
I love Bianka!I laughed for 10 minutes about the Kimmy K/Humph connection. I'm so glad you'll be blogging about the series!